Tag: GTE 2013
GTE – Luxury underground, Part 1
For me creativity is not necessary creating something radically new but combining existing things for a new purpose no one has really thought of before. The story of the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices – the venue of the Geneva Time Exhibition – is a good…
GTE – Luxury underground, Part 2
Picard Cadet Switzerland has been the cradle of watch making for centuries. The fascinating surroundings of Jura Mountains and Alps have given home for the masterminds and the precise hands of horology. Company conglomerates and small manufactures are breathing the same air and sharing the…
Wound up for 5 days
The tick-tock week is over in Geneva. It feels a bit like after a Prince concert at the Sziget Festival – the sounds are lost in your head for days not finding their way out. But both the tick-tocks and the nice tunes are precious…